6 Tips To Find A Great Fiverr Logo Designer

I personally use Fiverr for various technical or design related tasks I need done. So I'm familiar with shopping around on the site and looking for quality gigs and freelancers.

I've even helped friends and family members in the past pick a good designer using these tips. 

I'll share with you my method for picking a good Fiverr logo designer.

Fiverr Logo Designer Checklist

☑ Choose Your Preferred Location 

On Fiverr, there are lots of talented freelancers from all over the world. Before you start your search, decide whether you wish to work with someone in your own country or in another country.

Why does it matter? 

For starters if you choose a designer in another country, there will be a time difference between you two - which could possibly mean a delay in response.

Second, you could pick a designer who second language is English. I've worked in the past with freelancers whose second language was English and didn't have much of an issue working with them. But it's possible the writing and communication skills will vary from person to person. 

☑ Use Specific Keywords To Find Specialists

You can simply start a search on Fiverr by typing in "Logo Design" in the search bar. But that will give you a vast amount of designers. 

Find a designer who specializes in a specific niche by being more specific with your search terms.

For example, are you a health coach? Then search for health coach logos.

Looking for a signature logo, retro looking logo, or puzzle shape logo? Type that into the search bar! You are likely to find a Fiverr logo designer who specializes in creating that exact type of design.

☑ Choose A Designer In A High Seller Level

Fiverr has a a seller level system that they use to rank freelancers/sellers on the platform.

If you are interested in what qualifies a designer for each level, you can read more about that on Fiverr website.

Right now, there are 4 seller levels:

  • Top Rated Seller
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • New Seller

I would go with a Top Rated Seller, Level 1, or Level 2.

If you want to go a step further, there's a separate ranking called Pro Services that shows you only "Vetted professionals, verified for quality and service."

All these options can be filtered in the search options at the top of the search results page.

☑ Read The Designer's Reviews

A good sign the logo designer will do a good job is if they have good reviews. Look for quantity and quality.

I like to check out designers that have at least a 4 out of 5 star rating and more than 10 reviews. That's because anyone can have a 5-star rating but only 1 review. That doesn't give you a good idea of whether they have a good track record.

Then I'll examine any reviews that were less than stellar. Ask yourself these questions while you are looking over their reviews:

  • How recent was the poor review?
  • Could it have been a customer who was hard to please and may not all the designer's fault?

☑ Browse The Designer's Portfolio

At this point, you should have narrowed down your options to about 3-5 Fiverr logo designers. To help narrow it down even more take a look at their portfolio. When you view a gig, you can see a preview of what they will deliver.

Scan through their samples to see if their designs are the style of logo that you're looking for. If you are not seeing a design you like, maybe you should continue your search. It's best to use someone that you already see can deliver the design style you're going for.

☑ Look At Their Workload or Queue

One thing I like about Fiverr is that you are able to see how many gigs the designer has in their queue. This shouldn't weigh heavily in your decision but I like to look at their queue to see if they have a moderate amount of work or not.

If they have a ton of gigs already lined up, it alerts me that it's possible they may not meet the turnaround time. It's very likely that it won't affect turnaround time but if I choose someone with a lot of gigs in the queue, I set my expectations low in terms of turnaround and response times.

Start Your Search For The Best Fiverr Logo Designer

Now you have your checklist, head on over to Fiverr and find the right logo designer for you! Here are some tools to help get you started!

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